What does slack technologies do
What does slack technologies do

what does slack technologies do

The company offers a free service as well as two paid plans for smaller companies, as well as an Enterprise Grid plan for larger ones. Part of Slack’s appeal is its flexibility. The service also has thousands of apps that can integrated into it, making it an extremely flexible communications device. (Here are Fortune, we tend to gather to talk about our pets.) That lets you set up both work-specific chats as well as a virtual office water cooler, if you have a number of workers who telecommute.

what does slack technologies do

It’s easy to join or leave these channels, controlling which conversations you want to be included in or a part of. It can trace its roots back to older services like AOL Messenger, but it’s much more robust, with organized discussions via channels (letting company divisions, project teams and even office locations have their own discussions without the clutter of a larger group chat). Slack is a messaging tool for offices that lets workers communicate securely, regardless of location. If you’re among them, we’ve got some explainers for you. Slack Technologies might be an invaluable tool for many office workers (its CEO is predicting it will end company emails within seven years), but there are millions of people whose jobs don’t require the service and might be a bit confused about the hoopla.

What does slack technologies do